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Tennis elbow (lateral epicondylitis) is a common pain condition caused by repetitive wrist or elbow movements, often seen in athletes or individuals with jobs requiring prolonged hand use. Proper use of braces and exercises can effectively relieve symptoms and promote recovery.

3 Effective Methods to Improve Tennis Elbow

  1. Reduce Repetitive Movements
    Avoid repetitive wrist movements and take proper rest to reduce tendon strain.
  2. Physical Therapy
    Cold/hot therapy or massage can reduce pain, improve blood circulation, and accelerate recovery.
  3. Strength Training
    Strengthen forearm muscles with exercises like grip training to reduce stress and improve endurance.

How Braces Help with Inflammation

Braces, such as elbow support bands, provide stability, reduce tendon load, and lower the risk of inflammation. Compression support helps repair tissues and aids in reducing inflammation.

How Exercises Improve Inflammation

  • Wrist Extension Stretch: Gently pull the fingers to relieve forearm tension and improve flexibility.
  • Eccentric Weight Training: Use light weights to strengthen the forearm, improve tendon resilience, and reduce pain.


By incorporating proper braces, rest, and exercise, tennis elbow pain can be effectively reduced, tendon recovery can be promoted, and the risk of recurrence minimized.


  1. Coombes, B. K., Bisset, L., & Vicenzino, B. (2015). Tennis elbow: An evidence-based approach. The Lancet, 386(9994), 1546-1555.
  2. Struijs, P. A., & Kerkhoffs, G. M. (2004). Conservative treatment of lateral epicondylitis: brace versus physical therapy or a combination of both. The American Journal of Sports Medicine, 32(2), 462-469.
  3. Tyler, T. F., Thomas, G. C., Nicholas, S. J., & McHugh, M. P. (2010). Isolated wrist extensor eccentric exercise in chronic lateral epicondylosis. Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery, 19(6), 917-922.

